Building regulations

Building regulations are in place to protect people's safety, health and welfare in and around buildings. QStairs stair kits are designed to be compliant with the building regulations for domestic stairs.

For straight stairs, refer to Approved Document K of Building Regulations. For spiral stairs, please see below.

Our smaller compact spiral staircase with a 750mm radius is compliant with Category A - a small spiral stair.


This type of spiral stair is intended for use by a limited number of people who are generally familiar with the staircase. For example, an internal stair in a dwelling serving one room not being a living room or a kitchen, an external access stair to an office not used by the public, or spiral fire escape stairs for a small number of people.

Minimum and maximum rise per tread: 170-220mm
Minimum clear width between centre column & handrails: 600mm
Minimum going from the centre of the tread: 145mm

Our wider spiral staircase kit with a 950mm radius is compliant with a Category B – Private stair.

In addition to a category A stair, this private stair can also provide the main access to the upper floor of a private dwelling.

Minimum and maximum rise per tread: 170-220mm
Minimum clear width between centre column & handrails: 800mm (900 in Scotland)
Minimum going from the centre of the tread: 190mm

UK Staircase Regulations in general
There are three main building regulations that relate to staircases generally ADK, ADM & ADB.

Approved Document K covers protection from falling, collision or impact. Approved Document M covers guidelines on access to and use of a building and Approved Document B is the area of building regulations for means of escape.

In addition to this more specifically spiral and helical staircases fall under BS 5395 Part 2.

Spiral staircase regulations
ADK of the Building Regulations provides the guidelines for ensuring occupants or visitors to a house are protected against falling, collision or impact.

The rules within Part 2 don’t apply to spiral or helical staircase designs. If you are considering a spiral staircase design within your building project the British Standards Document BS 5395 Part II applies.

You can download our British Standard Specification sheets for a Cat A or B staircase in the links below. This is guidance on the standards for spiral staircases.

The staircase categories relating to residential spiral staircases are A small private stair or B private stair.

Category C small semi-public, D semi-public or E public stairs tend to be for staircase projects in commercial and public spaces.

Technical Guidance Cat A spiral stair.
Technical Guidance Cat B spiral stair.


Q Stairs installation guide
Q Stairs installation guide